The Queen Sofia Foundation’s Annual Accounts for 2022 were voluntarily audited by an independent auditor (Deloitte), who stated on 25 May 2023 that it present, in every significant aspect, an accurate picture of the Foundation’s equity and financial situation as of 31 December 2022, as well as its results for the financial year ending on that date. The Foundation has voluntarily audited externally its accounts (expenses, income, assets, liabilities, equity and Memory) in the last seventeen years.
Below are the main points of the Annual Accounts audited and approved by the Board of Trustees of the Queen Sofia Foundation:
The Queen Sofia Foundation’s Equity reached the sum of 8.9 million Euros on 31 December 2022. The Foundation’s income derives from Donations and legacies (981,903 Euros), and its financial income & rentals (120,329 Euros).
The total cost of the Foundation’s charity activities in 2022 was 1,186,606 Euros. Of which 519,482 Euros were allocated to projects on research and awareness of Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases, 438,337 Euros to social projects to help vulnerable groups, 50,000 Euros to environmental projects, and 178,787 Euros to educational projects and not attributed to the above activities (other activities, financial costs, audit, bank charges, Web page and other services).
The President and the rest of the members of the Board of Trustees have not received any income in respect of salaries, allowances or remuneration from the Foundation or advances or loans, nor are there obligations on pensions and life assurance regarding membership former and current of the Board.
These projects were jointly developed with the following organizations: Federación Española de Bancos de Alimentos FESBAL, Fundación CIEN, Cruz Roja Española, Cáritas Española, Manos Unidas, Confederación Autismo España, Fundación Mapfre, Fundación Colores de Calcuta, Fundación Prójimo Próximo, Fundación Primafrio, Mundo en Armonía, Sra. Rushmore, Ecoembes, ANAA, Atresmedia, Cope, FORTA, Grupo Godó, Grupo Joly, La Razón, La Voz de Galicia, Mediaset, Metro de Madrid, Paradores Nacionales, RTVE, Unidad Editorial, Cottolengos y Comunidad de Madrid.