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Characteristics of the Project

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Characteristics of the Project



It studies the problem of Alzheimer’s Disease from a global point of view and proposes, at the same time, both health and social answers to it.


All its design and structures aim to create spaces of easy usage and identification by patients, as well as by their carers and relatives. Great care has been given to its aesthetic aspect.


Each Live-In Unit, for a maximum of 16 patients, tries to reproduce as closely as possible a home atmosphere, with clear identifications of personal and family references.


The creation of a Research Centre makes this a unique Complex in Spain. Endowed with the most advanced means, it will be connected to Universities, Autonomous Governments and various national and foreign scientific institutions.


Its design, based on Live-In Units housing 16 patients, makes this a very versatile and flexible Project which can be adapted to any type or shape of site in various locations, according to different needs and financial possibilities.


Following detailed studies of cost and quality, the most adequate architectonic, building materials and equipment solutions have been chosen, taking into account the idea of the Project’s feasibility for other places in Spain.



Besides the Administrations already mentioned, the LAMELA Architects’ Study, winner of the tender called for the Project design, and under its direction: architects, engineers, landscape designers, doctors in several medical specialities, sanitary staff, social workers and associations of relatives of Alzheimer patients have also participated in the Project, as well as a long list of various institutions, businesses and individuals who have helped with donations or services.

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. 17.07.2024

Concierto conmemorativo de las “Bodas de Plata” de la Fundación Atapuerca

​Su Majestad la Reina Doña Sofía presidió el concierto de la Orquesta Sinfónica de Castilla y León Joven (OSCYL Joven), conmemorativo de las "Bodas de Plata" de la Fundación Atapuerca.

The Alzheimer Project overcame society’s indiference."

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