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Training Centre

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The Training Centre of the Queen Sofia Foundation’s Alzheimer Centre is a space for learning and sharing information, focused on training those involved in Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases.

The Centre’s activities are open to everybody interested in learning about the disease, patients’ care, treatments… in short, the complete approach to the disease.

More specifically, the programme is aimed at:

  • Professionals ( Centre’s own staff or external)
  • Relatives and carers of Alzheimer patients.
  • Volunteers

All sorts of activities are carried out in the Centre, always adapting their content, duration and focus to the different users; thus for instance International Congresses are organized where new research lines, clinical and sociosanitary, are presented to professionals, but small workshops or chats are held as well, where the more basic aspects of Alzheimer’s Disease are explained to relatives of recently diagnosed patients.

Therefore the Training Centre’s main objective is to provide information to those who require it on the subject of neurodegenerative diseases.

Listed below are some of the teaching activities carried out in 2011 attended by more than 2000 students, where a total of 122 training actions where held, 94 aimed at professionals and 28 at relatives of Alzheimer patients.

  • Introduction to Alzheimer’s Disease.
  • Approaching Alzheimer’s Disease.
  • Skills related to relatives of Alzheimer patients.
  • Practical advice for persons living with an Alzheimer patient.
  • Training for relatives of Alzheimer patients.
  • Running of a healthcare centre for Alzheimer patients.
  • Workshop on stimulus activities in the home.
  • Occupational Therapy with Alzheimer patients.
  • Robot therapy on Alzheimer patients for professionals.
  • Workshop on training guidance for Alzheimer carers.
  • Apathy in neurodegenerative disease patients.
  • Mourning and emotions when facing death.
  • Prevention of muscle and bone disorders in carers of disabled patients.
  • Theoretical-practical course for technicians on functional magnetic resonance and brain spectroscopy.

Besides these formative activities, since the Centre was opened it holds at least three annual Symposia, most of them international, on subjects such as:

  • International Symposium: Advances in Alzheimer’s Disease (7 editions)
  • International Review of Support Programs for carers of Alzheimer patients.
  • International Review: Cognitive Stimulation for Alzheimer patients.
  • Symposium on Dementias and Intergenerational Programs.
  • Technical Symposium on Laughter Therapy and Animal Assisted Therapies.
  • Technical Symposium on Dementia and Emotions.
  • International Symposium on Physical Exercise and Dementia.
  • Symposium on Active Ageing.

The Training Centre also frequently collaborates with various associations and foundations; preparing teaching material such as The Practical Guide for Relatives of Alzheimer Patients, 2011 (jointly with the PWC Foundation) as well as others to be found in this web’s library.

The Training Centre has the following facilities:

  • A Library with specialized literature on dementias (at present with 112 printed works and 89 in audiovisual format).
  • Two classrooms.
  • One observation room.
  • Teachers’ common room and teachers’ offices.

Besides de classrooms which hold 25 to 30 pupils, we have an auditorium with capacity for 150 persons, where larger teaching sessions are held such as Congresses or Symposia.

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. 20.09.2024

Asistencia al “International Summit on Neurodegenerative Diseases”

​Su Majestad la Reina Doña Sofía preside el acto oficial de celebración del Día Mundial del Alzheimer en el marco del Congreso Internacional sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas “International Congress On Neurodegenerative Diseases”, que tiene lugar los días, 20 y 21 de septiembre en Lisboa.

The Alzheimer Project overcame society’s indiference."

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