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The Spanish Confederation of Relatives of People with Alzheimer's and Senile Dementia (CEAFA)

The Spanish Confederation of Relatives of People with Alzheimer's and Senile Dementia (CEAFA) is a non-governmental organisation whose goal is to improve the quality of life for Alzheimer's patients and their families. Its main role is as the central voice and promoter of the Associations of Relatives of People with Alzheimer's and Senile Dementia in Spain. It represents 13 federations and 6 provincial associations.

Spanish Alzheimer's Foundation

The Spanish Alzheimer's Foundation aims to improve the quality of life of the sufferer, carer and family. It is involved in a wide range of activities, from information (helplines, interviews with carers and families, brochures, guides, conferences, symposia, etc) to representing families when dealing with social and health authorities.

The Madrid Association of Relatives of Alzheimer's Sufferers

The Madrid Association of Relatives of Alzheimer's Sufferers was founded in 1989, by a group of relatives who wanted to obtain information and support at a time when Alzheimer's disease was not very well known. With about 700,000 people diagnosed with Alzheimer's in Spain, it is now a public body, and part of the structure of Alzheimer's associations existing throughout Spain. It devotes its efforts to Information, training, advice and support for relatives and carers.

The Pasqual Maragall Foundation for Research on Alzheimer

The Pasqual Maragall Foundation for Research on Alzheimer was created as a result of the commitment made public by Mr. Pasqual Maragall, former President of the Cataluña Autonomous Government, on 20th October 2007 when he announced that he was suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease.

C.I.E.N. Foundation

The C.I.E.N. Foundation was created with the main objective of establishing a website to support, promote and coordinate research in every field of basic, clinical and epidemiological neurology, with a special emphasis on problems related to diseases of the nervous system, through monographic research centres set out all over Spain, where scientists work on different lines within the field of neurosciences, with a common physical infrastructure and equipment.

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. 17.07.2024

Concierto conmemorativo de las “Bodas de Plata” de la Fundación Atapuerca

​Su Majestad la Reina Doña Sofía presidió el concierto de la Orquesta Sinfónica de Castilla y León Joven (OSCYL Joven), conmemorativo de las "Bodas de Plata" de la Fundación Atapuerca.

The Alzheimer Project overcame society’s indiference."

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