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Symposium and Congresses

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Global Summit Alzheimer’s Research and Care Lisbon 2017

The Queen Sofia Foundation was one of the organizers of the International Summit on Alzheimer’s held in Lisbon from 18 to 22 September, 2017, coinciding with Alzheimer’s World Day (21 September). The Global Summit Alzheimer’s Research and Care Lisbon 2017 gathered 80 experts from all over the world in the field of scientific research and sociosanitary care related to Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases. Prominent attendances included “Nobel Medicine Prize” winners Richard Axel (of Columbia University) and John O’Keefe (of University College London) as well as other prestigious researchers such as “Prince of Asturias Research Prize” winners Hanna and Antonio Damasio.

The Global Summit Alzheimer’s Research and Care Lisbon 2017 was held at the Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown in the Portuguese capital, under the joint Honorary Presidency of Her Majesty Queen Sofia, President of the Queen Sofia Foundation, and Senhora Leonor Beleza, President of the Champalimaud Foundation and former Health Minister of Portugal.

This Congress was the result of cooperation between Spain and Portugal. Five institutions joined efforts to make this international summit possible: the Spanish Queen Sofia Foundation, CIEN Foundation and CRE Alzheimer (run by IMSERSO, a department of the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality), and the Portuguese Champalimaud Foundation.


Global Summit Alheimer's Research and Care Lisbon 2017

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. 17.07.2024

Concierto conmemorativo de las “Bodas de Plata” de la Fundación Atapuerca

​Su Majestad la Reina Doña Sofía presidió el concierto de la Orquesta Sinfónica de Castilla y León Joven (OSCYL Joven), conmemorativo de las "Bodas de Plata" de la Fundación Atapuerca.

The Alzheimer Project overcame society’s indiference."

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