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The Alzheimer Centre

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The project of Alzheimer Centre

The Alzheimer Centre of the Queen Sofia Foundation is a socio-sanitary project developed into a healthcare complex where Alzheimer’s Disease is treated from three angles: research, training and patients’ care.

The project, created within the framework of the “Alzheimer Project” took shape in 2001 with a preliminary study and the Centre was officially opened in March 2007 in the Madrid suburb of Ensanche de Vallecas. It was built on a 18.498 m2 site provided by the Madrid City Council.

A remarkable aspect of the Centre is that it houses together three essential working areas on Alzheimer’s Disease:

  • A Research Unit, the CIEN Foundation (Research Centre on Neurological Diseases) managed by the Carlos III Health Institute, the Ministry of Industry and Competitiveness.
  • A Training Centre specialized in senile dementia.
  • A Healthcare Centre which holds a long-term residence for 156 patients, a day centre for 40 patients and a weekend family respite centre for 20 patients. Both are run by the Social Affairs Department of the Madrid Government, through the company Clece Servicios Sociales .

A Collaboration Agreement was signed by all the different areas so that they work together, trying to get the maximum benefit from sharing space in this Centre.

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. 17.07.2024

Concierto conmemorativo de las “Bodas de Plata” de la Fundación Atapuerca

​Su Majestad la Reina Doña Sofía presidió el concierto de la Orquesta Sinfónica de Castilla y León Joven (OSCYL Joven), conmemorativo de las "Bodas de Plata" de la Fundación Atapuerca.

The Alzheimer Project overcame society’s indiference."

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